Thursday, January 1, 2009

Drink Water for Better Skin in the Winter


Hope you are having great first day of 2009!. There was a very good little article in First Magazine, January 5th issue, this week about water.

On page 18 you can find the article, Slim Face:

Dehydration may not be top of mind in the winter, but heated indoor air can sap bodily fluids. "Reduced water content in the body creates a rise in sodium, prompting fluid retention that makes the face look puffy."

Fast Fix: Drink two glasses of water upon awakening. This dilutes sodium and replenishes fliuds so puffiness subsides throughout the day, notes Dr. Pescatore...

Pick up the magazine to read the full article. Water is vital for life and should never be neglected in our daily routine. And, Living water is restructured for optimum hydration, an anti-oxidant to fight free radicals, and alkaline to help the body be more balanced!

Visit my website to get full details. You'll find it so interesting for your health and wellness. Call me for more information.

Have a great day,

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What Are You Using on Your Skin?

Your skin is the largest organ of the body. It absorbs what is put on to it, and it releases toxins. Even the ancients were aware of this transdermal process.

Because of this, we have to be very careful what personal care products we and our precious children and grandchildren use. Studies cited in the Journal of the American College of Toxicology warn that some of the substances found in skin care products are Sodium Lauryl Sulphates, known skin irritants shown to have degenerative effects on cell membranes; methyl-, propyl-, and butyl-parabens which are toxic and allergenic; and propylene glycol, an industrial anti-freeze used for moisture retention. Many of these and others are petroleum based: By-products of the oil industry!

You have to get to the point of doing the same thing with your personal care products that you do with your foods: If you can't pronounce it, if you don't absolutely know what it is or where it comes from-the source, don't use it! Remember: What is being put on the skin, gets absorbed into the body.

So when you are shopping, read the labels on your skin-care products, as well as, on your food products. You will be greatly surprised at what they contain.

More on this next time...

In health,
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