However, bottled water is not the answer. Did you know that most of the bottled water that you may be drinking, if you're drinking bottled water, is as acidic as soda! Hard to believe, isn't it? But it's true. Besides that, the chemicals in the plastic bottles themselves leach into the water held within and those chemicals are hormone disruptors for men, women, and children. And, 2.5 million bottles go into landfills every hour in this country alone.
So, what's the answer? You can make your own alkaline, anti-oxidant, micro-clustered water for super hydration. If you work out, this is so important. And, you make it at home, right from your own tap water source. Purified, filtered water that is so much more. Read more about it at http://www.be-alkaline.com/ . Watch the videos. You'll discover that there is a difference in water. And, in this hot weather, you need the best!
If you have any questions, call us. Our number is on the web site. We'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.
In health,
Stephen & Donna