Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Men Need Water, Too-Part 3

Part Three:

To stay hydrated, drink water. Ideally, however, your water should be alkaline and micro-clustered. You’ll hydrate more effectively if it is. Alkaline, micro-clustered water will reduce the amount of accumulated acidity in your muscles improving your work-out, increasing stamina and performance, and it will greatly lessen recovery time and discomfort after any strenuous activity.

Dr. Susan Lark, MD, in her book, The Chemistry of Success: Secrets of Peak Performance, says this about alkaline water, health, and performance: "The benefits of alkaline water through electrolysis far exceed just its ability to gently raise the pH of the cells and tissues of the body and to neutralize acids. Because the alkaline water has gained a significant number of free electrons through the electrolysis process, it is able to donate these electrons to active oxygen free radicals in the body, thereby becoming a super antioxidant. By donating its excess free electrons, alkaline water is able to block the oxidation of normal tissue by free oxygen radicals."

She goes on to explain micro-clustering of alkaline water and reducing the size of the molecules clusters of tap water by about 50%: "This allows ionized alkaline water to be much more readily absorbed by the body, thereby increasing the water's hydrating ability and its ability to carry its negative ions and alkalizing effect to all cells and tissues of the body... If you are overly acidic, an alkaline water device can provide a safe, gentle, and effective way of restoring the pH balance of all the cells in your body as well as providing excess free electrons to act as super antioxidants."

Everyone needs to drink plenty of healthy water for good health and longevity. With all the controversary over bottled water and their containers, experts say the possible health risks are enough to warrant reconsidering what you are drinking and to choose an alternative.

The best alternative, according to Dr. Lark and other experts, is to make purified, alkaline, micro-clustered/hexagonal, super anti-oxidant water-many times more beneficial than Vitamin C and Green Tea-right from your own tap, and it is very easy to do. Fill a glass or stainless steel bottle and carry it with you to stay well hydrated throughout the day. Don't take chances with your most precious commodity; your health. And, at the same time, by eliminating plastic bottles on a daily basis, you'll help the environment, too.

To find out about an "alkaline water device" that is superior in performance that I and my wife have benefited very much from and have enjoyed using for over a year now, contact me. I'll be happy to tell you about it. We have an amazing testimony we'd love to share with you.

Have a great day & stay hydrated,

Men Need Water, Too-Part 2

Part two: Getting back to men, chemicals, and the need for water....

It has been discovered that the chemicals BPA and phthalates found in the plastic water bottles, just doesn’t affect women. It, also, affects men. In a 2006 review of 700 studies by NIEHS, it was found that "rodents exposed... had higher rates of... reduced sperm counts, and neurological disorders."

In the Vogue Magazine article of August-2007, An Inconvenient Truth; The Link Between Infertility & the Environment, it stated that BPA "has been shown in animal studies to cause prostate cancer and malformed genitals."

We have so many chemicals in our environment that affect our health and well-being and that of our family. We are bombarded with chemicals in the air we breathe, in and on the foods we eat, and in the water we drink. The chemicals in the environment can cause us to be overly acidic, too. We have a population that is generally overly acidic. To contribute to this is stressful lifestyle we lead, the foods we eat, and the beverages we drink, among other things.

Beverages such as sodas, sports drinks, and energy drinks are acidic, as well as, even some of the bottled waters. The plastics in which they are contained leach chemicals since water is a solvent.

So, in view of all this, what can everyone-men, women, and children-drink to stay both hydrated and healthy during times of physical activity and stress without causing them more health challenges? Find out more tomorrow-

This is important, Guys. We live in a chemical environment that is taking a toll on our health. So bookmark this blog. Find out how important & necessary good, pure water is that's, also, alkaline, super hydrating, and anti-oxidant-many times more anti-oxidant than vitamin C or Green Tea-for our health, well-being, and longevity. Any baby boomer out there will attest to the importance of living active, productive lives for as long as we possibly can. Right?

Well, water is a vital part of that process. After all we are over 70% water. If we aren't consuming enough water, then God must have made a mistake. Because that's what we should be drinking. He didn't make us 70% coffee, soda, or whatever else men drink to quench their thirst-He made WATER!.

Till next time...Take care & God bless,

Men Need Water, Too

Everyone needs water. It's not just for women, Guys. It is vitally important for life. We can't live without it. You're more than 70% water. Your brain is 85% water! However, the question is: What water do we drink?

Let's consider some interesting facts.There was an interesting article in the August issue of Vogue magazine of 2007, on the chemicals in your environment and the fact that they cause many health problems people encounter in their lives. As one quote brought out, " We're all awash in a sea of chemicals," said Sarah Janssen, M.D., PhD., a scientist with the natural Resources Defense Council. People continue to be exposed while we try and figure out how to test things."

The chemicals of primary concern are the group of " synthetic compounds known as endocrine disruptors so named for their ability to mimic or block hormones that regulate many of the body's functions." One of the chemicals in question was bisphenol-A, or BPA's, on which there has been a great deal of discussion of late.In the Vogue article, it mentioned how the chemical can affect women. Studies revealed the following: "Low-level fetal exposure in animals linked to breast cancer', "harm mammary gland development in females at puberty", and "traced the chemical to an increase in miscarriages."

However, it has been discovered that it, also, affects men: "Reduced sperm counts, and neurological disorders," found in a 2006 review of 700 studies by the NIEHS. In the aforementioned Vogue article it mentioned "prostate cancer", too.

Next time, I'll discuss this in more detail. In the meantime, you can get a more information at Write me if you have any questions at . I'll be happy to answer them.

Till next time...,

FYI-Did you know? 90% of the the cost of bottled water is the plastic packaging, lid, and label.-- Let's take care of the earth and stop using plastic water bottles for the sake of future generations-our grandchildren's grandchildren. It takes a thousand years to break down. Every bit of plastic ever produced, except for the very small amount either incinerated or recycled, is still around today and will be for about a thousand years more, and the amount disposed of is growing exponentially every day. Can the earth and its environment or eco-system survive such abuse? Think about it...

Are you Drinking Enough Water?

Your body is the greatest piece of machinery in the world. If cut, it heals itself. It makes new cells to replace the old. The wonders go on and on. We have 6 beautiful grandchildren at present, and in the next few months they'll be another adorable baby added to our growing family. Just looking at a our newborn grandchildren, puts me in awe at the miracle of which we are.

You know a mechanic will take great care in making sure the fuel he/she puts into an engine is the best so it runs properly.You put enough oil in the crank case so your car will perform well. You wouldn't drive without transmission fluid. And, we can't go anywhere without gas in the tank.

Same principal is true with our bodies. We have to make sure we put the right things in to it so that it runs well and eliminates waste material so it doesn't get clogged up and refuse to work properly; just like a car. One of those things is water. Above, you'll view the new food pyramid. At the top is pure water!

Our bodies are over 70% water. Our brain is 85% water! Doesn't it make sense then to put the best water and enough water into your body? Visit the web site below, and request the free eBook. It's nineteen pages of great information. You won't get spammed. I'm the only one to get your information, and I promise I will never share or sell it.

Till next time, have a great day!

To your health,