Monday, July 20, 2009

Rethink Drinking Bottled Water!

If you are still drinking bottled water, please rethink doing so. This a recent article that we hope you will read to learn more.
Besides the fact of the pollution to this beautiful planet we all call home that bottled water causes, the water is not good for your health. So it's really a serious double whammy, so to speak. I know... that's an old expression. But it makes a point as to just how bad bottled water is...period.

There is better way. Did you know you can make your own great water from your own tap source? It is so much healthier for you, and it is eco-friendly. It is through a wonderful unit that is no bigger than a coffee maker that conveniently sits next to your kitchen sink. My wife and I love ours.
There are a lot of machines out there, and I have seen them all. As someone who has been in natural health and healing for over 40 years, I have been exposed to every machine, every supplement, and every new product that comes out.

With all my research, there is nothing that compares to a water ionizer, and I will be glad to explain why. And, if you are taking any liquid supplementation, there is nothing better than the natural anti-oxidant benefits of Living Water. You see, nearly all the liquid supplements use filtered water in their formulation which is, when researched, usually reverse osmosis. RO water is ACIDIC and highly oxidative. They are almost as acidic as soda. So your expensive supplement with the fancy name, will probably be acidic and oxidative as a result.

God made us over 70% water. We need water! We need the best hydration for good health.

Livng Water is a very simple answer for better health. It is superior hydration and a potent anti-oxidant, as well, that is easily utilized and completely absorbed by the body because it is Water!

Contact me if you have any questions regarding the information on my websites. I'll be happy to answer them for you with no obligation. Your health is important, so drink the best!

Have a great day,