Some have asked us, "Why is our pH level so important?" Well, let's see what some experts say.
Dr. Theodore Baroody, in his book,"Alkalize of Die," makes this comment, "The countless names of illnesses do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come from the same basic root cause…too much acid tissue waste in the body!"
Sang Whang, writer of "Reverse Aging," says that even if we consume the most beneficial of healthful fruit and vegetables, 97% of our food still consists of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen, and assuredly will be brought down to acid waste in the body. He tells us that it is not what we put into our bodies, it's what remains in our bodies as waste that creates our over-acidic condition. This is one contributing factor to premature aging.
Sang Whang, writer of "Reverse Aging," says that even if we consume the most beneficial of healthful fruit and vegetables, 97% of our food still consists of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen, and assuredly will be brought down to acid waste in the body. He tells us that it is not what we put into our bodies, it's what remains in our bodies as waste that creates our over-acidic condition. This is one contributing factor to premature aging.
In terms of the delicate acid/alkaline balance in our bodies, the only difference between the 'good' food and 'bad food,' is that 'good' food will cause less acidic waste and more acidic neutralizing effects. And, what we drink can greatly affect how well our bodies can cope with the resulting acidic condition in the body from what we eat.
Life is in water. We need water: Can't live without it. Our bodies are over 70% water! So it just makes sense that what we put into our bodies in the form of liquids, is very important to our overall health. It can either contribute to the acidic condition, or it can greatly neutralize it and bring to a more alkaline state.
Most people don't drink enough water. They feel that other liquids can substitute for water which is a misnomer. Nothing substitutes for water. God didn't give Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden a juice bar, coffee maker, or soda dispenser: It was water!
So, if we need water-nature's elixir, what water do we drink? This is the important question and one that desperately needs to be addressed. As I mentioned last time, it needs three vital components to be truly healthy water for you: Your water needs to be Alkaline, micro-clusterd/hexegonal, and have anti-oxidant factors. I will discuss more in detail in future posts.
In the meantime, visit for more information I know you will find interesting.
Till next time...Good health to you,
Stephen - any questions, write me
or call 501-802-2440
or call 501-802-2440
Thought for the day:
"Our todays make our tomorrows." Make each day a good one!