Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Are you Drinking Enough Water?

Your body is the greatest piece of machinery in the world. If cut, it heals itself. It makes new cells to replace the old. The wonders go on and on. We have 6 beautiful grandchildren at present, and in the next few months they'll be another adorable baby added to our growing family. Just looking at a our newborn grandchildren, puts me in awe at the miracle of which we are.

You know a mechanic will take great care in making sure the fuel he/she puts into an engine is the best so it runs properly.You put enough oil in the crank case so your car will perform well. You wouldn't drive without transmission fluid. And, we can't go anywhere without gas in the tank.

Same principal is true with our bodies. We have to make sure we put the right things in to it so that it runs well and eliminates waste material so it doesn't get clogged up and refuse to work properly; just like a car. One of those things is water. Above, you'll view the new food pyramid. At the top is pure water!

Our bodies are over 70% water. Our brain is 85% water! Doesn't it make sense then to put the best water and enough water into your body? Visit the web site below, and request the free eBook. It's nineteen pages of great information. You won't get spammed. I'm the only one to get your information, and I promise I will never share or sell it.

Till next time, have a great day!

To your health,