Thursday, April 9, 2009

You Are Probably Thirsty-Not Hungry!

Our thirst mechanism sometimes fools us. We think we are hungry, when all we need is water---Calorie free water! Instead of a snack between meals, drink some water and see if that doesn't satisfy instead. Here is some information I thought you might enjoy reading:

"By not drinking enough water you slow down fat loss. Beyond the weight loss benefits, it's a vital health concern to take in enough water even if you are not thirsty (thirst can be an unreliable signal during the early stages of dehydration).

The fatigue, simple headaches, lack of concentration and dizziness you feel at the end of a workday can result simply from not drinking enough water," explains Liz Applegate Ph.D., nutritional science lecturer at the University of California, Davis, and the nutritional columnist for Runner's World magazine." These are symptoms that too many of us have come to expect---and worse, to accept! Don't!

In addition, the best way to rid the body of excess retained water is to drink more water, says dietitian Kathy Stone, R.D., author of Snack Attack." When an individual senses he is retaining fluid, then cuts back on his water intake to compensate, the body just responds by retaining more fluid.---Excerpt from-The Power of 5 by Harold Bloomfield, M.D., & Robert K. Cooper, Ph.D

It's a great book. Pick one up on Amazon. If you'd like to know more, call me for information on Living Water. It is the best, by far, water to drink including water from all the other ionizers on the market, and I'll explain why when you call. The information is important to you health and well-being.

Have a great day,